Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Color & Value Research Planning


2. Compare and contrast how color is used in the two paintings. How does the use of color communicate the concept of the work of art?

COMPARING AND CONTRASTING: both of one subject (a woman), one watercolor, one in acrylic or oil, one has reds and warm colors except green (reminds me of sunrise), representing time (morning)? darker reds though as though putting a mood of sadness. The other has cool colors, blues and turquoises and purple, and yellow. Has a sense of youth and innocence. playful fun colors. the way the dress is painted in shapes and an almost 3d effect. The first one has a prominent background and the other is focused on the girl. There are not a lot of contrasting colors in the painting but they both contrast each other a lot. 

3. Compare and contrast how value is used in the two drawings. How does the use of value communicate the concept of the work of art?

The first one of the Horse is very lightly sketched and then goes into greater detail.  It has a very light back ground compared to the other one which is very dark. The other one has very dark colors and not as detailed.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thinking About Drawing and Painting

We can access images of anything via the internet and snap photos with our phones, so why are drawing and painting still viable methods for making images?

Art is a way of expressing our thoughts and feeling. Simply taking a picture of something doesn't always exactly express our ideas. But making something from our own mind using our imaginations and thoughts allows us to really express them. When taking a picture of something its a set moment in time, unchanged. But with drawing and painting u can erase, paint over, change things in any way you like. You have an immense freedom to create anything you can image. While you can only photograph anything in the world. 

Changing photographs to fit our imagination: personally i think this is one of the coolest things ever! definitely going to do more of these in my free time!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Found Marks

 Over the next few days I would like you to be on the lookout for marks in the world that are not made by humans. If you have access to a camera please photograph at least 10 of these "found marks" and upload them to this post in your blog. If you don't have access to a camera, you may describe the marks you found in detail instead. If you choose to write, describe what made the mark, exactly where you saw it, and when you saw it (date and time of day). Images from the internet are not acceptable!