Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Final Independent Project

This term of art I learned a lot about myself as an artist and pushed myself to try new and interesting topics. Through my sketchbook I've explored different techniques and styles of art and challenged myself to explore the weekly themes. I've worked hard to fill the page with art work and not worry so much about perfection. I loved the broad themes we had each week because many of them could be interpreted in different ways. I've also worked on developing a more productive creative process and not worrying about the final out come as much as just exploring the topic and having fun with it. The very first page in my sketchbook I experimented with glitter glue and I wasn't sure how it would turn out but I enjoyed doing it! I had a lot of trouble with the last theme of current events but I found whenI thought about current things that were important to me on a world wide scale it was much easier to make art and make it a fun experiment for me too. I have struggled completing my still life because I chose very hard object but I'm ready for the challenge and hopefully by the end of the term I will have finished all my projects. Something that I have found that has been a great help of inspiration to me and a lot of fun is my Tumblr blog. I really enjoy expressing myself through the blogging and a lot of my inspiration for my sketchbook is from my blog. It has actually grown into a big part of my life managing a blog with over 5,000 followers but it is almost another art form in photos, like a collection of my inspiration. Over all this term I have grown into a better artist and become more relaxed in letting my creative process flow.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Windows and Doors

My sketch includes a hallway lined with windows and one big window at the end. Along with an over head circular window. the perspective looks out into the city at night. The drawing is also tilted giving like a dizzy vertigo feeling.