Thursday, March 31, 2011

Paper Cranes for Japan Project

Describe what images and/or facts stayed with you from what you saw and read about the devastation in Japan. Now make a list of at least three wishes you have for the people of Japan. Add a picture of a paper crane to the post.

I saw many videos of the devastation in Japan. It was so sad to see so many people homes, boats, cars and even other possessions, float by and there was nothing they could do. It must have been so hard for these people to watch as there home was destroyed, to not be able to stop it. I heard one story of a man who when he realized his wife and mother were not with him, was told to report them as missing, and wait 2 DAYS for the rescue workers to come and hopefully find them. He knew he couldn't stand around and wait, so he took action. He swam into his house and managed to hold his breath long enough to find them. They were stuck in the bedroom with only a foot of breathing room left. He helped them out of the house and they survived. If he hadn't have done that, and been so brave, they would have surely died with the rising water level. Its so inspirational to hear these stories about how brave these people are.

1. That all the homes and buildings will be able to be rebuilt.
2. That the nuclear problems with the food would be solved/stopped.
3. That no more people will die for reasons relating to this tragedy.

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